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Planning on a "Spring Cleaning" Juice Fast? Here's How

If you want a fresh start as winter winds down and spring arrives, try these juicing recipes for energy, which can help you start the season feeling fresh. A juice cleanse is a great step to take for your health.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Planning on a "Spring Cleaning" Juice Fast? Here's How To Use Juicing Recipes for Energy

Lots of people have heard of juice cleanses thanks to people like Beyonce, who tackled the "Master Cleanse" juice cleanse to prepare for her role in the movie Dreamgirls. It's stories like these that have given juice cleanses a bad rap—since some of the most famous juice cleanses advocate for participants to eschew regular caloric intake in favor of "juices' that have almost no energy in them. In reality, however, juices can be an incredibly healthy, enriching part of a health cleanse. In fact, there are many juice recipes for energy that result in juices that can fill you up, spark your metabolism, and give your digestive system a chance to rest and reset from having to digest solid food. Juice cleanses can mean the start of a weight loss phase—or they can simply be a way to feel fresh and healthy as the sunshine emerges and the weather warms up.

Here are our ideas for a healthy "spring cleaning" juice fast. These ideas of juice recipes for energy will ensure you're getting your caloric and nutritional needs met, while still allowing your body to reset as all cleanses ultimately should.

How Do I Know When I Should Do A Juice Fast Using Juicing Recipes for Energy?

There is no real right or wrong time to do a juice fast. A juice fast can be beneficial to anyone who wants to give their digestive system a break or a reset. It can also be a good time to do a juice fast after a holiday or a vacation you've taken, when you've spent more time eating food (or unhealthy food) than you normally do. People often choose to do juice cleanses if they've consumed a lot of "toxins" and they may have lingering toxins in their digestive tract. By doing a juice cleanse, you let your digestive system rest and give it a chance to expel all of those toxins that are built up inside of you.

Also, people often choose to do a juice fast when they want to lose weight. While people who do complete a juice fast do usually lose weight in the short term, experts say that the weight loss results of a juice fast are only temporary. That's because people are losing the "water weight" they would otherwise be consuming from other foods, and they are not getting the weight of the pulp from the fruits and vegetables they have juiced and are consuming—they're only getting the juice from that produce. Medical experts warn that if you are deciding to do a juice fast because you want to experience the benefits of weight loss, it's probably not a good idea. This is because most likely, the weight you lose on the fast will come right back onto your body as soon as you start eating solid food again.

If you want to take more healthy steps—besides a juice cleanse—to give your body a reset as a new season begins, consider not just focusing on your physical health, but also your mental wellness, too. By working on your mental health alongside your physical fitness, you can ensure that you are functioning and feeling your best no matter what season is arriving, and that you are at your peak no matter what projects or assignments may come your way.

How To Detox the Right Way and the Wrong Way Using Juicing Recipes for Energy

One important thing to know is that your body is constantly in the process of detoxing itself. This means that your liver and other organs will be cleaning your system out, and you don't need to adopt any special diet to help it (including a juice fast). There is no right way or wrong way to detox since juice fasting isn't a particularly effective method for detoxing. By simply living a healthy normal life, exercising, and not consuming too many things that can damage your liver (since it is the major detox organ of your body), you can ensure that your body remains a detox machine, whether you go on a spring cleaning juice fast or not.

What To Include in Juicing Recipes for Energy

If you are going to do a juice fast, one of the most important things to know is that you need to make juicing recipes for energy. These particular recipes for juice don't just give you that sweet, thirst-quenching liquid from fruits at the end. Juicing recipes for energy make sure that your juices are calorically-sound and provide you with enough nutrition to function. While there are so many juice recipes that you can make to ensure your juice tastes good and fuels you up, here are some ingredients that should be staples in all juicing recipes for energy:

Citrus fruits like lemon or orange, for Vitamin C

Spinach or Kale for Iron

Carrots for beta carotene, potassium, and Vitamin K

Apples for magnesium, calcium, and pectin

Throw all these ingredients in a juicer in any combination to come up with a juicing recipe for energy that will result in your feeling full of vitality and ready to take on the day and the world.

What Is the Process of a Juice Fast? Using Juicing Recipes for Energy

Every juice fast can look different. According to Houston Methodist, a medical organization based in Houston, Texas, most typical juice fasts last anywhere from two to 10 days. During a juice cleanse, people make their juices by using a juicer and juicing recipes for energy. When they put fruits and vegetables inside of a juicer, the juicer pulls the juice from within the fruit or vegetable, and it discards the tissue or fiber of the fruit or vegetable. The juice is collected in a pitcher attached to the juicer, and at the end of the process of creating a juice, you have all the wet, sweet, tasty goodness from inside of the fruit or vegetable, without any of the solid stuff that had that juice inside of it.

When you do a juice fast, you only consume juice during the day, instead of eating solid food. Juice fasts should be limited in time and scope, especially if you are exercising, since they reduce the amount of energy you are taking in. Consider minimizing your movement on the days you do a juice fast, so you don't overtax your system and end up feeling weak or faint do to lack of sustenance or nutrition.

If you've conquered a juice fast, congratulations! Juice cleanses can be hard work, but they can also feel good—like a chance to reset your digestion. However, making dietary changes like a juice fast is not the only critical piece of taking care of your health. You also need to move your body, too. Consider trying out a new at-home workout, that doesn't require a gym membership and won't require you to purchase any additional workout equipment.

Already Done a Juice Fast, or Tried all the Juicing Recipes for Energy? Consider Other Types of Fasting

Fasting with juices isn't the only way to achieve the benefits of a fast or cleanse. One way you can regularly reap the rewards of fasting is by doing intermittent fasting. With intermittent fasting, you limit your window of eating during the day, so you can only consume calories during specific hours.

Intermittent fasting requires you to not take in any calories at all during your fasting window, unlike a juice fast, during which you consume the calories of the juice. Also, intermittent fasting is something you can do more often than a juice fast, because it allows you to get adequate nutrition and calories daily, just gives your body a short fasting window regularly, so you can experience fasts frequently—as well as the incredible benefits they can bring to your body and mind.

Have you ever tried intermittent fasting? If not, it can be helpful to read about how intermittent fasting works, as well as how a fast is done. By learning about intermittent fasting, you may be motivated to try it, and also understand why people choose to use it in certain scenarios or certain times of year (like around the holidays).


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