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Lenape Upgrade Instructions

If you’re reading this, we have great news for you. Beginning July 1st, 2021, you are now eligible to utilize the ActiveFit+ mobile app. ActiveFit+ is Advanta Health Solutions, Inc.’s premium health & fitness mobile application to further enhance & support your journey to overall wellness.


You may be asking yourself “Why do I have to download a new mobile app?”. GREAT QUESTION. ActiveFit+ also provides exclusive access to the Advanta blog content, additional programs, enhanced activity tracking, and more!


To upgrade your account simply download the new app (ActiveFit+) from the AppStore or PlayStore, log in with your existing account credentials and complete the app setup.

You will receive an email shortly after confirming your account upgrade.

You can also upgrade your account or review your program information by visiting the new Lenape Members Portal on ActiveFit+

Here are some additional FAQ’s for your reference:

What will happen to my previous Activities?


All of your activities from August 1st, 2020 to the present will be migrated to your new ActiveFit+ app. Your previous records and activities may take up to 24 hours to appear on ActiveFit+, please contact member services otherwise.


What happens to my monthly incentives?

Your earned wellness incentives will be processed to the checking or savings account you currently have on file with Advanta. If you wish to update your account, please visit Member Portal . Once you log in, proceed to “Payment Account” and update your checking or savings account.


Will I be required to select or update my verified fitness facilities?

No. All of your verified clubs and program options will be automatically migrated to ActiveFit+. After your initial download of ActiveFit+, please review all of your elections. If you require assistance with your account, please contact Advanta Member Services at


My dependents are also enrolled in ActiveFit+, what happens to their accounts?

Your spouse and or dependents will be required to download ActiveFit+ from their applicable app store.

Do I need to keep the previous ActiveFit installed?

We recommend uninstalling the previous version (ActiveFit) from your mobile device once your upgrade process has been completed, as it will no longer report activities for your Health Program.



Should you have any more questions, please contact us at

Shaping the future of fitness and health,

Advanta Health Solutions, Inc.

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